Uber Brings a Free Ride to and From the Karachi Eat-2018

Uber the ride-hailing company has thrown an offer for the Karachiites beginning from the weekend. As per the offer, a free ride to and from the ever-famous Karachi Eat could be availed via Uber using the promo code UBER2KHIEAT.
Karachi Eat would be having its fifth anniversary this year. It was introduced back in 2014 with the concept of reliving the public places and bringing people together by providing them such environment.
The dynamic duo behind the concept of Karachi Eat is Omar Omari and Aslam Khan. They believe in looking for ways to make the city better. According to them ever since the launch of the festival it has been booming with success and expanding more and more.
Karachi Eat this year would be held at the Benazir Bhutto Park, opposite to Boat Basin on the 12th, 13th and 14th of January.
Also Read: Karachi Eat-2018
The festival is one of its kind and provides people with a chance to get together while at the same time gives them the chance to enjoy scrumptious food and good music. Many local vendors and famous food brands have come forward and put up their stalls at the festival.
Uber has announced its offer on Twitter for the most famous and well-loved Karachi Eat two days in advance to the actual event.
The terms and conditions of the offer are:
- The rides could only be taken on the uberGO car types
- The offer validity is between the span of 12th until the 14th of January
- The ride offer would be valid for the rides charging up to rupees one hundred and fifty per trip
- Two free rides could be taken using the provided promo code
Uber has shown a pretty thoughtful gesture by launching this promo offer as many Karachiites would be visiting the Karachi Eat.
Uber has in a way helped the people of Karachi by providing them with a chance to enjoy maximum and at as low as zero cost.
If you willing to go to Karachi Eat this Friday, Saturday or Sunday and are not in the mood to drive or want to keep your mind free from the traffic and parking related tensions then you must not do much—just pick up your smartphone and call your Uber cab using the code and your wish of a serene ride would be granted.
More Read: Traffic Violators Would Soon be Getting e-Tickets
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