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What Is a Solar Battery’s Lifespan?


Millions of Americans are already convinced of the benefits of solar polar. This is evident through the record numbers of home solar installations taking place across the country, as well as the record levels of energy being produced through solar. However, not all solar is created equal.

Even if you live in the always-sunny climate of Arizona, you are not guaranteed a reliable, year-round solar energy supply. This is because your solar generation system is only as good as the infrastructure that supports it. This is why solar batteries are so important. But how long do solar panel batteries last?

Why does it matter? Read on to find out.

What Is Solar Battery Storage?

Solar battery storage works a lot like any other type of battery. It stores energy on-site and allows you to draw from it as needed. But why does this matter when you have a solar panel system?

For one, you cannot always rely on the sun shining. Even a few seconds of cloud coverage can cause a near-total drop in solar energy production. With the best solar batteries, you can store up every single ion of solar energy that your panels capture. This can then be squirreled away for a rainy day, without the need to resort to your utility provider.

Battery storage can also be used as a backup to the grid, giving you are extra buffer of energy security during volatile times. A solar battery is lightweight, small, and can be installed on the exterior of your home.

Make sure to look for a solar company near me that offers inclusive solar battery storage with any panel installation, as well as a wide range of battery options.

Are Solar Batteries Worth It?

We can see that solar batteries have their uses. But does the cost of solar batteries outweigh the benefits, purely in dollar terms? In the vast majority of cases, the answer is yes.

As mentioned, having extra battery storage on your property means that you do not have to resort to paying your utility provider for energy when the sun is not shining. But that’s not all. Many utility providers also charge more for energy during times of peak demand.

Many will also charge more during certain times of day, regardless of the actual demand level on the ground.

Solar batteries allow you to side-step around this and draw from your own personal energy supply, instead of getting ripped off by your utility company. While solar batteries can cost anything between $10,000 and $15,000 a set, the cost savings from this over time can be substantial.

How Long Do Solar Panel Batteries Last?

When assessing how much life a solar panel has left in it, we look at the “depth of discharge”. This is a measurement that shows how much battery percentage has been discharged in relation to the overall capacity of that battery.

Different types of solar batteries will last longer than others, and there are several factors that will determine the lifespan, which we will look at in more detail below. As a ballpark, you can expect a quality lithium-ion battery to last anything between five years and fifteen years, depending on how much you use it. On top of this, you also need to look at the “useful life” of the battery.

Typically, the useful life period ends when a battery is only operating at 60% capacity or less. After this point, the functional capabilities of the battery will degrade significantly. You also need to look at the “warranty life” of the battery. This is simply the warranty offered to you by the manufacturer or the installation company.

Sometimes, this period will exceed fifteen years. This means that, should the useful life of your battery end before this period, your provider will offer a replacement.

Which Factors Affect the Lifespan of Solar Batteries?

While there is a broad range of lifespans for different types of batteries, several factors will have a direct impact on how long yours will last. These are:

Battery Type

As mentioned, lithium-ion batteries – the most common type of solar battery – will last anything between five and fifteen years.

Meanwhile, lead-acid batteries have a much shorter lifespan of around four to eight years. While lithium-ion b batteries are more popular among homeowners, lead-acid batteries are the preferred choice for those living off-grid.


Like all types of batteries, the more you use a solar battery, the shorter its lifespan will be.

If you have to completely drain your solar batteries every week, they will have a much shorter lifespan than if you only drained them once a month. This is referred to as the number of “discharge cycles”. Most warranties will cover a certain number of cycles and can be anything between 5000 and 20,000 discharge cycles over the warranty term.


The environment that your batteries are exposed to will significantly impact their lifespan. Extended exposure to extreme heat temperatures will erode the battery over time, as will exposure to cold, rain, or wind. This is why many homeowners choose to keep their batteries in a sheltered and temperature-controlled space, such as the garage or basement.

This will shelter your batteries and ensure that you get more out of them over the course of their lifespan.

Your Tech Questions, Answered

When asked “How long do solar panel batteries last?”, the answer is complicated. You need to figure out what type of battery is right for your home. You need to assess where you are storing the battery.

Crucially, you need to figure out whether local weather conditions will have an adverse impact on your batteries over time. By choosing the right tech, the right setup, and the right warranty, you can ensure that your batteries stand the test of time, saving you some serious money in the process.

If you need more expert insights on the tech that will save you time, money, and stress, we have got you covered. Our dedicated tech pages offer product reviews and how-to’s that will empower you to always make the right decision.