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Xiaomi Ranks Number One In 12 Smartphone Markets For Q1 2021


Xiaomi’s President and, Redmi brand’s general manager Lu Weibing issued a statement today, saying that in the first quarter of 2021, Xiaomi ranked first in the 12 smartphone markets in the world. The president announced the news on its official Weibo account.

In the first quarter of 2021, the 12 smartphone markets where Xiaomi ranked first include Spain, Russia, Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Croatia, Lithuania, Malaysia, India, Nepal, Myanmar, and Colombia. In addition, Xiaomi’s market share in Europe’s smartphone market was up and hit the second position for the first time. Xiaomi in Eastern Europe’s smartphone market share was the first for two consecutive quarters, Western Europe’s smartphone market share continued to be the third for Xiaomi, and Spain’s smartphone market share was the first for five consecutive quarters.

In the last quarter, the fourth quarter of 2020, Xiaomi’s mobile phone market share entered third place in the world. This is the first time during the last six years. Later, Xiaomi returned to this position. What supports Xiaomi’s return to third place in the world is its achievements in overseas markets, especially the European market. Europe represents the high-end mobile phone market in the world. In recent years, Xiaomi has been conquering the high-end market, and its average selling price overseas has been increasing.

The starting price of Xiaomi Mi 9 in China is 2,999 yuan, and the version with the same configuration is required overseas. 499 euros (about 3800 yuan), the domestic starting price of Mi 10 reaches 3999 yuan, the same configuration version, the starting price of 799 euros (about 6251 yuan) overseas. Consolidating the market share of low-end products, impacting the high-end market, and building a high-end brand image are the most important tasks for Xiaomi now overseas.