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Xiaomi Updates Mi Health App Brings Heart Rate Monitoring With Camera

Xiaomi Mi Health App

Xiaomi has released a new update for Mi Health, the Android app that aims to monitor physical activity and provide information on the user’s health.

The recent update has introduced the ability to detect the heart rate of users using the camera built into the smartphone. The technique is based on the analysis of the reflection of light by the blood flow that passes under the skin of the fingers: therefore by placing the finger on the camera sensor it will be possible to have an estimate of the heart rate in almost real-time. The video at the bottom of the article shows how the feature works.

At the end of the detection, the app will ask the user to select one of the three standard states proposed. corresponding to the state of rest, the state of wakefulness, and the state of physical exercise. This will allow the app to have a reference value for the user’s specific heart rate and create a timeline of the values ​​reached during the day.

Xiaomi’s novelty is coming with version 2.7.4 of the Mi Health app, which would be in the automatic distribution phase. Let us know if you have already tried it.

via Xda-developers