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Amazon’s fight against fake reviews is a success so far

Online retailer Amazon announces further progress in the fight against fake reviews. According to the company, three fake review brokers stop selling reviews after legal disputes. More than 350,000 people worked for the scammers. The legal action recently taken against the three major fake review providers Fivestar Marketing, Matronex and AppSally are having an effect.

As Amazon reports in a blog post, the three brokers have ceased their fraudulent activities. The companies primarily targeted Amazon customers in the US, UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain. This was ensured by hundreds of thousands of “employees” who were allegedly responsible for false ratings on the brokers.

The battle is far from over

Now the world’s largest online retailer has another target in mind: the fake review portal Extreme Rebate. Employees get up to 4 euros for a five-star rating that is at least 15 words long and contains photos or videos. It explains: “Based in Hong Kong, Extreme Rebate is trying to post misleading reviews on Amazon stores in the US, Europe, Japan, and Canada.

Amazon has filed lawsuits against them in the US and Germany to shut them down and compel information to provide information about their employers.” Amazon also states that there are currently more than 10,000 Amazon employees worldwide who are committed to protecting customers from fraud and abuse, including preventing fake reviews. In addition to machine learning technology, the company uses “experienced researchers” to analyze each review before showing it to other customers. More than 99 percent of products listed on Amazon may only contain authentic reviews.