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By 2023 iPads reported to have docking accessories

budget iPads

Do you know that the Pixel tablet could be turned into a smart home device? Yes, it has a dock that turns the Pixel tablet into a smart home hub.

But do you have any idea that in the future you could turn your iPads into smart home devices too? Yes, this news is just all around that Apple might copy the footsteps of Google Pixel and introduce a similar dock to their iPads.

Earlier this month, Google revealed that its Pixel tablet could turn into a smart display by using a dock. This feature is expected to be introduced by 2023. The dock used by Google Pixel is equipped with both charging capabilities as well as additional speakers.

As we know that Amazon and Google occupy the most space when it comes to smart home devices, but with the recent news Apple could also make its place in the market of smart home devices.