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For the fourth year in a row, Samsung topped the list of Best Employers in the World

The South Korean conglomerate Samsung has been ranked number one on the World’s Best Employers list for the fourth consecutive year. The list was generated by Forbes in partnership with Statista. A total of 700 firms were evaluated and listed. For ranking purposes, around 170,000 people across 50 countries were surveyed by the company.

On the World’s Best Employers list, Samsung came in first with 270,372 employees worldwide. Participants in the survey provided feedback on various topics, including financial performance, working environments, and the social obligations of their employers. Companies are prohibited from participating in this procedure, keeping the survey impartial. Since 2020, Samsung has topped the rankings in this survey. The other 14 companies include Microsoft, Alphabet (Google), Apple, Ferrari, IBM, Adobe, Costco Wholesale, BMW Group, Cisco, Airbus, Adidas, Lockheed Martin, Rolex, and Dell.

This list demonstrates that Samsung employees are generally happy and proud to work for Samsung. It demonstrates how crucial it is to provide room for advancement, cross-cultural understanding, remote work, and work with purpose. Samsung has a café, a clinic, a gym, and a center for mental health counseling on site.

The company has many social contributions

The company offers C-Lab Inside to its employees. It is basically a funding program that financially assists the startups started by Samsung employees. The company’s employee networking group is called ERG (Employee Resource Group), and through initiatives like Samsung Innovation Campus and Solve For Tomorrow, it aims to give back to the community.

Furthermore, to promote a positive work environment, the company offers MOSAIC (in-house idea-sharing program). On the other hand, to strengthen ties with local and foreign talent, the company has another program named STEP (Samsung Talent Exchange Program). Samsung extends in-house job and leadership training to its workers through the UniverSE program.