Google To Roll Out Facebook News Feeds Like Feeds On Its App

What you could see in Google app before is the blank space below the Google search bar, but not now, Google is rolling out today a News Feed probably unlimited-scroll like Facebook and Twitter and strictly based on your interests. Google thought they are wasting this space which could be used for better purpose.
You know about Facebook, how it mounts your News Feed, the pages you like, viral videos, the photos and posts your friends liked and shared all pile up in your news feed. But sometimes you really don’t want to see those kinds of stories sprouting into your news feed, but why?
Because it might be of little interest for you, Google realized that user interests keep changing time to time. For instance, I was searching for best tourist locations in Dubai for a while before visiting there, it was my interest at that time but after coming back from Dubai I have stopped searching places, visiting Dubai based Facebook pages, watching videos, now I have planned my next tour to Egypt within few months.
But sometimes you really don’t want to see those kinds of stories sprouting into your news feed, but why? Because it might be of little interest for you, Google realized that user interests keep changing time to time.
For instance, I was searching for best tourist locations in Dubai for a while before visiting there, it was my interest at that time but after coming back from Dubai I have stopped searching places, visiting Dubai based Facebook pages, watching videos, now I have planned my next tour to Egypt within few months.
Unlike Facebook News Feed which overlooks your interests and shows you the stories, your friends like or is popular, Google has spotted it correctly, it will show you the news feeds based utterly on your interests.
Casey Newton on verge described the experience of Google news feeds in the following way; “The Google feed came to my account Tuesday afternoon, and I spent a long while scrolling through it. The feed offered up articles on several of my interests: Netflix, Instagram, Game of Thrones, and the video game I’m currently playing (and have watched a bunch of YouTube videos about).”
However, Facebook and YouTube has been criticized in the past for fostering fake news and filter bubbles along with hateful and racist content according to Cnet. According to Richard Neva on cnet, Google is changing its positioning from social network Google Plus to search network because of this criticism Facebook and YouTube already received.
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But it seems Google has a different story behind it, Google plus has not been so successful in the past if you compare it with other social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
If Google would have updated its News Feed extension in G Plus, then it would be a disaster. If you put an iron bar with the magnet it would become a magnet after some time. That’s what Google is trying to do,
Google is long missing a popular social network like Facebook or Twitter, couldn’t even catch on with Google Plus. This is the ultimate solution to make Google App emerge as a strong social network.
Google will definitely have more plans for future updates,…
“Learning about a topic doesn’t happen with a single query,” Ben Gomes, vice president of engineering for Google search, said during a press event in San Francisco on Tuesday. “Learning about a topic is a process that happens over time.”
“The key issue here is this feed is really about your interests,” Gomes said. “It’s not really about what your friends are interested in, which is what other feeds might be.” He further added.
You might be worried about your private searches if they show up in the news feed while sitting next to your elder, but Google has already fixed that, Google says it will not pick up certain topics and keywords such as; adult, hate, religious etc.
Google feed is currently propagating in the United States, in the next few weeks it will start rolling out globally.
image via digital
Digital marketing enthusiast and industry professional in Digital technologies, Technology News, Mobile phones, software, gadgets with vast experience in the tech industry, I have a keen interest in technology, News breaking.