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Prisoners To Be Tried Via Video Calling Systems

Syed Mansoor Ali Shah, Lahore High Court Chief Justice addressed media at the launch of online video calling system to handle under trial prisoner cases. He said that the judiciary is making reforms through which justice would be given to under trial prisoners within time. There won’t be any delay or diversion as now systems are being made online.  The highest ranking judge of Punjab was grateful to the district and session judge of Rawalpindi for coming up with a system that can speed up trials. He said that using video links from Central Jail Adiala for conducting trials of the prisoner is a healthy imitative. Video calling systems like Skype would now not just speed up the whole procedure but also save extra expenses and the time of the judiciary would also be saved.

Read also: In six months Whatsapp has become the most used video call app

Making online system for conducting trials indicates how technology has taken control of all dimensions of society. From education sector, to health, development, transport, and now crime everything has become digitalized. We are removing distances and barriers to create a fast pace world. We can only hope that making it online won’t affect the decision making power of our judiciary.