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Smart Airplane Mode Added To Windows 11

Airplane mode

The new Settings app under Windows 11 has additional smart functions. In its latest Insider Preview, Microsoft shows an improved airplane mode, which is supposed to save users time when activating WLAN and Bluetooth connections afterward.

Shortly before the holidays, the Redmond-based company doesn’t just seem to be busy moving many options from the old control panel to the new settings. At the same time, one tries to upgrade them sensibly, as one now shows with the aid of the airplane mode. This should remember subsequent activations of WLAN or Bluetooth connections in the future so that they do not have to be activated separately. An advantage from which users of Windows laptops and tablets in particular benefit.

New Flight Mode

“We remember whether you have turned on Bluetooth or Wi-Fi after you have activated airplane mode. The next time you use airplane mode, the Bluetooth or Wi-Fi setting does not change,” it says in an excerpt from the Settings app of the latest Insider Preview build that our colleagues at Windows Latest came across. However, it is not yet known whether the settings are saved locally or across devices in the cloud.

The improved functionality of airplane mode is not only visible in the settings app, but also in the quick settings in the right area of ​​the taskbar. For many Windows 11 users, it should serve as the first point of contact for activating the airplane mode, which should also prevent the automatic deactivation of WLAN and Bluetooth, if this is desired. This saves time in particular for travelers who want to use the wireless network in airplanes or Bluetooth headphones during the flight. It is currently unclear whether and when Microsoft will introduce the new function from the Insider Preview into the Windows 11 versions for end users.