Uber vomit fraud alert collecting unfair cleanup fee

Uber Vomit Fraud Alert: Uber In the UK and US it has been reported that Uber drivers are surprising their riders by slapping a $150 cleanup charge for non-existent vomit.
The scam originated from Uber drivers actually collects a cleanup fee from riders for non-existent vomit or other unsavory bodily fluids, the scam is gaining popularity in the UK and US according to Guardian.
Uber drivers deliberately send drunken behavior reports of riders to their management and fake photos of vomit in order to claim compensation. Uber management adds automatic clean-up fee to the bills of their customers without double checking with the customers, the fee falls in the range of $100 to $180.
An Uber driver in South Florida told the Miami Herald that she heard of the stories that many Uber drivers are getting away for the vomit fraud because most of the customers do not check their credit card statements immediately.
However, many customers who wanted to check back told the reporters that Uber was not easy to communicate after they were slapped with the fee. One rider got the money back but the company canceled her account.
When she requested Uber ride to the airport, the driver didn’t turn up on time, so she canceled the earlier one and requested another ride when she checked her email the next day she was charged $16 for the ride, $6 for canceling and an additional cleanup fee of $150.
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When she complained about the unfair charge, Uber sent her an email claiming that “Driver reported an incident during the trip and attached photos of alleged vomit on the car seat.”
People have reacted against this “Vomit Fraud” in Uber on Twitter and making others aware of a fresh scam by Uber drivers. However, Uber said that they are investigating the issue and will take action against fraudsters, Business Insider reported.
This happened to me and I fought relentlessly with customer support. Still had to pay SOME OF THE FEE. That is why I switched to @lyft SHAME ON YOU @Uber FOR LETTING YOUR DRIVERS TAKE ADVANTAGE OF COLLEGE STUDENTS.
— Jason Funderberker (@birbbbbbbbbbb) July 23, 2018
Happen to my friend! Don't pay it! and take photo of seats when u leave.
— Tony Cristiano (@tonycmtl72) July 23, 2018
Happened to me but I disputed the charge with my bank. Uber refused to allow my dispute without pictures to dispute. They only do this on their last ride
— pennystacker (@GonzLook) July 26, 2018
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Frauds are every where. Here in pakistan Uber drivers are totally about to make money not carying about customers.