Women’s online violence – A survey rolled out its online harassment stats in Pakistan

Digital Rights Foundation rolled out their first-ever stats on women’s online violence. The stats were marked as Measuring Pakistani Women’s Experiences of Online Violence. According to the report, most of the women registered their experiences of being harassed online due to the reasons, unknown.
Digital Rights Foundation ran their survey under the project “Hamara Internet”. The project aims to equip Pakistani women to help them secure their online presence and defend themselves from staying on the internet.
The report shared a sample from 1,700 women using the internet. Of the registered views, 79% of the Pakistani women said that they use the recent technological devices to stay in touch with their loved ones.
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The report also predicted that of the 79% of the Pakistani women 48% uses smartphones and 67% uses Facebook regularly.
Where Pakistani law is getting strict against women’s online violence, still there are around 72% of the online users who are still not aware of the online violence. 25% of the registered women said that they are well aware of the terms and conditions of the social media while 51% of them don’t know them.
This huge gap predicts that most of the Pakistani women don’t know the game rules of using the technology in this era. For them, social media is just a way to mingle with friends and family.
35% of women under the survey told the foundation that a minimal portion of their information is shared on the web. While 6% of them told that they have shared more than anyone needs to know.
This percentage is, however, an improvement in some previous reports. Women are, though, getting aware of the terms of using the social media networks and safeguarding themselves of the online perverts.
Of the 1,700, 40% of the registered Pakistani women under the survey said that they have been harassed or bullied due to the misuse of the internet. And the main reason of this was their profile photos being shared on the social media networks.
While the stats disclosed by Digital Rights Foundation are still at an alarming stage, Pakistani woman is getting better equipped to protect themselves from online harassments. More needs to be told and acknowledged and made aware of the terms and conditions of using the technology of the day.
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