Google Calendar adds a new feature to make coordinating easy

We’ve all been there, not being able make it to meetings or gatherings for some reason, so Google Calendar has included an alternative which could make finding another gathering time a cinch. When you’re invited to an occasion, rather than reacting with yes, no or perhaps, you can propose another time if the present one doesn’t work for you.
You should not have to irritate everybody with a “can’t make it, when else are all of you free?” message in Slack or email either. For whatever length of time that others let you see their schedules, you’ll have the capacity to see when every other person is free in a side by side view so you can discover a period that works for your whole group.
You can send your proposed new time to the coordinator alongside a note, and they can acknowledge your recommendation (or not, it’s dependent upon them).
This capacity is accessible crosswise over G Suite domains and in Microsoft Exchange, yet it won’t work for occasions with in excess of 200 guests or throughout the day social gatherings. You can utilize the element on the web now and on mobile beginning August 13th.
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Image via Google Blogspot
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