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Instagram might support reels up to 10-minute-long

video editing tool

Instagram is working on a new feature that’ll allow users to upload reels up to 10 minutes long . This latest enhancement might be a good feature for content creators on the platform. Since reels have been introduced to the platform, it has become more of a video-driven platform. Other than reading long paragraphs, users prefer to watch videos with eye-catching graphics. The foundation of contemporary social media platforms like TikTok is video. Instagram Reels is attempting to push the boundaries by enabling users to upload videos that are up to 10 minutes long.

The function in the Instagram app was found by tipper Alessandro Paluzzi. Reels now allow you to post videos that are up to 90 seconds long, and in rare situations, videos that are up to 3 minutes long. After the feature’s initial debut in 2020, videos might only be 15 seconds long.

Soon Instagram Reels to get support for 10-min long videos

The release date of the feature is still uncertain. However, it appears that Meta is testing it internally; therefore, it may soon appear in your Instagram app.

Instagram is frequently criticized by experts for being unoriginal and evolving into a copy of TikTok and other social media platforms. Long before Instagram did, the Chinese app enabled functionality for 10-minute videos, and producers liked it. Meta is forced to upload 10-minute-long videos to Reels to keep up with the competition and avoid falling behind.

It’s excellent news for content producers that Reels will now allow users to post longer videos. Reels are becoming a well-liked tool among content producers and news organizations. A 10-minute time constraint makes it possible to make videos that are more in-depth and educational.

But in this case, it’s clear that decision-making is muddled. The system already included a function called IGTV. Recall that users of IGTV could upload videos that were up to an hour long and as short as 15 seconds. It was generally considered at the time that this function might make Instagram a YouTube competitor. Later, IGTV was discontinued, and new features, such as reels, took its place.